Ginger, loyal bodyguard

Ginger outside bathroom

That’s Ginger waiting outside the bathroom for me.

Heidi and Mr Zurik do it too, when Ginger isn’t around. Very often, I will find both Heidi and Ginger waiting for me on this mat. Heidi even goes upstairs if I use the bathroom there.

These are the little things that money cannot buy. And these little things certainly count!






3 responses to “Ginger, loyal bodyguard”

  1. irene

    my boys wait for me too whenever i’m using the of them even follow everywhere i go..u’re right these kinda thing is priceless!

  2. jasmine ong

    Awww… a priceless photo indeed and a most adorable Ginger ♡ ♡ ♡

    My Cathy waits for me at the kitchen door at six every morning, for food ♡
    haha. She does a belly up when I stroke and pet her ♡

  3. Yen Ling
