Who will bell the Cow? (and more Mr G stories)

My friend gave me a brilliant idea – put a bell on Cow so that Bunny would know that he is approaching.

So, I bought a detachable collar today – it’s the type that would detach should the collar get entangled anywhere. Since Cow is in Bunny’s Place, I don’t see how his collar would get entangled anywhere, but to play it safe, a detachable collar is always safer.

I’ve never put a collar on any of our cats before as there’s never been a need to do so. I was also always wary of the dangers of using collars (entanglements).


But there’s a reason for this – so that Bunny can be alerted when the biggest titan approaches. Otherwise, Bunny keeps bumping into him and fights ensue.


The collar comes with a bell and the downside of it is that it doesn’t ring unless Cow moves his head. If Cow was lying down and not moving, Bunny wouldn’t he able to hear any sound at all.

I was totally surprised that Cow didn’t find the collar uncomfortable at all. I had expected him to flip like a fish (that’s what he did last time when we put a harness on him). He made no effort to get the collar out too. Well, you could say, he took to the collar like a fish to water.

I think he even likes it. Maybe…


After awhile, I did see Bunny reacting to the sound of the bell.

It’s working?!!

Bunny, if you hear that bell, stay away from the sound, okay?


Mr Cow, you look nice and smart.


Today, Bunny took his CoQ10 without any problems.

On another note, as expected, Mr G was already at the patio this morning and he was lining up with the Bird Family to wait for breakfast. Vincent and Zurik were gone – this is what I mean by upsetting the equilibrium. It had taken me so much effort to help Vincent regain this confidence, after all his stomatitis episodes and the procedures done, I cannot have Vincent running away again. As it is, Ginger is bullying him, but yesterday, I saw Vincent standing up to Ginger (finally!).

So I explained the situation to Mr G’s owner and thankfully, she says she will do something about it.



