Double Charity Donation to MunMun Furry Sanctuary

Recipients: The dogs and cats at MunMun Furry Sanctuary
Donors: Kok Khee Wee; Ahmad Amir Kamil; In Memory of Mr Chan Kam Loon (from his family); In Memory of Bobby, Tiger, Rosie, Daffodil and Vincent (from the Cow Clan and the T-Cats.)

The petfood:

Cindy’s Favourites 400g cat canned food:
Mackerel & Chicken – 2 boxes

Sardine & Chicken – 2 boxes

Alps canned dog food (pate):

Lamb – 2 boxes

Salmon – 2 boxes

We thank Avant Pet for the free delivery.

A message from Mun Mun: Avant pet just delivered the cat and dog canned food to my shelter. Thank to you, myanimalcare and donors so much for the continuous support. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ??
Here is a video from Mun Mun’s cattery:

About the Double Charity Donation:

Double Charity:
(1) donate petfood to shelter & street animals,
(2) donate towards neutering & vaccinating street animals.

The best gift is giving to those who can never repay you!




