Medical subsidy for severely injured cat (Chia Lee Hua’s)

As published earlier:, Ms Chia explained that she did not know about our subsidies during the course of the rescue and treatment of this cat, hence she did not have photographs of the cat while the cat was severely injured. After looking at the receipt, we called the clinic and have verified with them that this cat was brought in in a very critical condition. We have also spoken to Ms Chia and she is now still nursing the cat at home. Ms Chia says she will probably adopt the cat if she fails to find the cat a home.

The bill is RM2550.00. We have subsidised our maximum of RM500 for this case. This subsidy comes from all donors through our Medical Fund (RM150), Ti-Ratana Penchala Community Centre (RM100) and Berjaya Cares (RM250).

Upon our suggestion, Ms Chia is also applying to for a subsidy.

From: “Ms. Chia” <>
Date: 20 Aug 2013 10:28
Subject: Fwd: Application of Subsidy for Stray Cat
To: <>
Hi, as my English command is not very good,  I hope you allow me to communicate with you in Chinese.
I got to know from my neighbor about your organisation and I hope to seek your assistance.
6月28日2013年早晨,我家门口来了一只受伤的雄性流浪猫(平常时我都会买猫的干粮,遇到流浪猫时我都会给它们食物, 它是其中一只), 它的前左脚严重溃烂.我试着把它关起来帮它擦药几天后还是没好转,看它越来越辛苦,决定了带去给兽医看.结果它是酶菌严重感染.医生说需验血,动手术,吊水,抗生素..等等.(在此附上照片)要完全康复需要一至两个月.
On 28/6/2013, I found an injured male cat at my doorstep. He is one of the strays I feed. There was a bad wound on his front left leg. I tried applying medication on his wound and caged him up for recovery for a few days. However, there was no improvement and the cat was suffering. I decided to bring him to the vet and the vet told me that his wound was badly infected by bacteria. The vet told me that blood test, surgery, drips, antibiotics, etc were required to treat the cat. (please see attached photos) And, it would take one to two months to heal.
在这段期间,医生知道它是只流浪猫建议让它做结扎手术,可是它的医药费已超出我能负(RM2,000++) 所以好心的医生决定免手术费,帮它做了结扎手术
During that period of time, the vet found out that he was a stray cat, hence he advised me to neuter the cat. However, the cat’s medical expenses have already exceeded my financial capacity (RM2,000++). The vet was kind enough to perform the neutering procedure for free.
The cat was discharged on 11/8/2013. The vet gave me discount on the hospitalization charges, but the final bill came to RM2550 (please refer to attached copy of the bill)
出院之后它因为颈项痕痒, 把自己给爪伤了.目前我把它暂时安顿在我家车房,每天还须跟它清洗颈项的伤口和涂药,花费了不少..
After the cat has come home, he wounded his neck due to excessive scratching. I house him temporary at my car porch and clean his wound daily.
我本能的想救它,虽然它只是只流浪猫.可我能力有限. 屋里有领养了一只猫,屋外三只流浪猫而且其中一只怀孕了.再者我本人是普通的打工一族.我尽了全力可我的生活变得拮据.
I wanted to save the cat although he is just a stray. Unfortunately, I have limited financial capacity. I have an adopted cat and 3 other stray cats to look after. One of them is pregnant.
I hope to get subsidy from your organisation and I also hope the cat will recover soon.
P/s. 每张招片都有日期
During recovery:
chia 1





